Art Space & Representations
The perfect place to show your work
A true experimental space for art expression you must get to know.
Located in the heart of Hollywood, CLAVO is a concept born from the idea of creating a place to house and represent the work of artists with the desire to have a space to make it their own.
It is a studio of representation and community that gives artists a place to exhibit and socialize.
Regardless if you are an art buyer, a collector, just a creative junky, or looking for that special gift, CLAVO gives you an intuitive way to blend art and passion with a fresh concept. If you are an artist seeking management and/or representation we give you seamlessly transition into a place you can call your own. Whether you’re a young artists or a great figure with fresh and new proposals, gathering with a large community of key persons in the fashion and entertainment industry.
CLAVO offers artists a place to hold conferences, press presentations or facilities to hold workshops or events that revolve around their discipline.
Workshops or conferences will expand the knowledge and understanding of the lavor that the creators carry out around their oeuvre.
Quality and personalized service offers creators the possibility to socialize and expand their business network, events and cocktails offered in honor of the artist and his work.
“Press, celebrities and businessmen visit the facilities and approach the work by the hand of the artists..”
A true experimental space for art expression you must get to know.
Located in the heart of Hollywood, CLAVO (NAIL) It´s a space born from the idea of creating a place to house and represent the work of artists with the desire to have a place to make it their own.
It is a space of representation and society that gives young and consecrated artists a place to exhibit and socialize.
Clavo gives you an intuitive way to blend your art and passion with a fresh concept, Management, and representation seamlessly into a place you can call your own, whether you’re a young artists or a great figure with fresh and new proposal, gattering with a large community of key persons in the fashion and Entertainment industry.
CLAVO offers artists a space to hold conferences, press presentations or facilities to hold workshops or presentations that revolve around their discipline.
The idea of the workshops or conferences will expand the knowledge and understanding of the lavor that the creators carry out around their work.
The quality and personalized service offers creators the possibility to socialize and expand their business network, with the implementation of events and cocktails offered in honor of the artist and his work.
“Press, celebrities and businessmen will visit the facilities and will approach the work of the hand of the artist.”
Mission & values
To be the perfect place for artists to present their work in an organic and satisfatory manner. Constantly developing our tools along with the ability to contrast several elements in the same space, in order to bring the artwork to new light, by living in a museum composition generating a new dialogue.
We have more than 15 years of experience around the arts, promoting artists and major exhibitions throughout our career, we work closely and in a personalized way with each artist, always paying attention to detail.
Mission & values
To be the best place, for artists to present their work in an organic and satistatory way.
Constantly develop our tools along with the ability to contrast several elements, in the same space to bring the work of art in a new light, by living in a museum composition generates a new dialogue.
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